Do you find yourself wishing you could grasp more natural teaching moments with your child? Do you have a child who resists anything contrived or in workbook form? Do you love unit studies, but have a hard time working in the nitty gritty details of grammar? Are you a Charlotte Mason or Ruth Beechick family who wants to get more out of copywork? Are you an unschooling or eclectic-learning family that wants to introduce small snippets of grammar into normal life? We are two moms who created this website for our own use, but would love to share it with others who are in the same boat. Dig in, explore, and let us know what you think!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Grammar Farm

This game is a traditional Montessori teaching tool.  Perform an internet search on "Montessori Grammar Farm" for pictures and examples.  If you do not own toy farm animals, feel free to use any of your child's favorite play sets (Legos, trains, dollhouse, Littlest Pet Shop, etc).

Create labels for different nouns in the play set.  Set the labels out in a play scene.  Give your child the toys, and have her set the toys on their correct label.

(Farm: pig, cow, barn. grass, tractor, farmer, etc)

If you have noun labels already created, set those out in the play scene.  Create labels for different verbs that could be in the play set.  Give your child the toys and the verb labels; have her set the toys on their correct noun label, and add an appropriate (or silly) verb label.

(Farm: barks, runs, climbs, moos, oinks, etc)

Set up the play scene as describe in the Nouns and Verbs sections above.  Create labels for different adjectives that describe things in the play scene.   Let your child place the adjectives in appropriate (or silly) places.

(Farm: pink, red, green, slow, old, tired, etc)



Examples of Grammar Cards to purchase or you can create your own.

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